Lost in love, sounds sweet huh? I'm telling you, that's not sweet, it was...... rather scary, even hazardous.
When you are in love with somebody, you like to listen about him/her. Everything he/she likes will seem interesting to you. Then, you will try to like it too. If she likes novel, you will start to read the books she recommends, maybe she likes pride and prejudice, or to kill a mocking bird, or whatever, you will try to know it if you are really in love. If he likes photography, then you will seek his favorite photography's blog, maybe chase jarvis, or ricko sandy, or whatever, you will try to google it, so at least you know what these guys are doing.
If both of you great, then both of you will continue your own hobbies, sometimes together, sometimes by yourself, but will never stop telling each other and listening to his/her next project stories. What if one of you is not that great? That one gonna lose identity, just like me now.
When I'm so in love, my new hobby is listening to his story, those things seem so interesting, his life and everything he did sound funny and somehow new. Meanwhile, what I was doing just telling him things I done in my past, when i loved novel, when i loved to write, when i loved to do creativity projects.
Girls are more susceptible to play this role. That's why we cry longer, or maybe lose appetite for a month, not knowing what to do, because all we used to do was listening to his stories.
I told him that I love books. Look at what I did, how many books i read for this one year I spent with him, besides medical books? Only one, what a pitty.
I'm not sure if I'm only in a phase of crazily falling in love and after months I will get bored and start to find another hobby besides listening to his daily stories. I know I was a faithful person, even if it is about my hobbies. I never stop loving to read books. I just forgot how it can be so interesting. When I'm with him, all I wanna do was spending time with him, I forgot to how a book can amazed me, and how papercranes' prewedding video can be so touching.
Lost your hobbies is horrible, but the worse part is losing your best friends.
This is a symptoms of unhealthy relationship, when one of you, or even both of you, start to lose contact with your best friends. I did. I think everyone once did once upon a time when they were so in love. You didn't enjoy the time you spent with your friends, maybe physically you were with your friends, but you were secretly hoping you can meet him/her soon, or at least back to your room and text or skype him/her. In a project meeting all you wished for was that unimportant-silly-boring meeting can be ended soon. You just wished can be with him literally every seconds.
This is a secret, but let me tell you something. When you realize you don't even wanna have some me-time, or he is in on your me-time plan, you are lost in love. And this is dangerous.
The worst scenario is losing your identity. How to define losing identity in love? You begin to describe yourself as a person he/she always told you you are. That was not you, that was you in his/her mind.
So, after read this post, are you one of those lost-in-love people? I was.
Lost-in-love people used to have greater heart break, overly attached syndrome, and prolonged heart break. But don't worry, I can overcome it, so I believe you can do too!
Maybe you think, in a normal relationship, you better spend more time together. But I used to think like this before I lost in love (and I back to this theory now), if both of you meant to be together, you still have years ahead to be spent with him/her. Dont rush into things. I can say it because I was, but I wish I didn't.
Finally, all I can say is thanks for reading and I hope you are not going to lost in love!
Sorry for my bad grammar anyway :p
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